Esamina la relazione sulla oil fuck

Esamina la relazione sulla oil fuck

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Because spoiler alert: You have options! Sure, anal sex typically refers to penetrative sex—meaning, something going into your anus—and penetrative sex typically requires the most preparation.

You might know that it’s common advice to pee after vaginal intercourse to avoid getting a UTI, so you might also be wondering if the same is true for pooping after anal sex. Nope! The reason doctors recommend that you pee after sex is to flush out any bacteria that’s gotten into your urethra during the action.

Numbing creams that use anesthetics like benzocaine are widely available. That doesn’t mean you should use them for anal, says Dr.

Even if poop could go farther up into your colon, semen is usually runny. Since your anus will likely remain expanded for a few minutes after anal sex, that semen can just leak right on out, Dr. Frankhouse says. If you want to go to the bathroom to expel that, feel free, but it’s not necessary!

But if you're using a silicone toy with a condom on it for penetration, water-based is the way to go, as silicone can damage silicone toys.

Your rectum is not a vaginal canal, nor is it a mouth and throat, so don't expect your anus to work like other orifices. If you’re going to be the giver of anal penetration, don’t fuck an anus like any other orifice.

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Always use here a lubricant. The anus does not make lubricant. Dryness increases the risk of pain and tears, so use as much as necessary.

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One last thing worth noting: The are a few more precautions and things to keep Con mind about anal sex if you or your Collaboratore has a GI issue. For more information, you can check out this article on the topic.

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